Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

There are fun things to do to celebrate this day without it being, well, too commercialized. Singing carols and inviting everyone over to hang out are just a couple things that are simple  yet fun. Buying and receiving gifts- not so much unless it is a White Elephant where you never know who will get what in the end.I just think that the traditions are more enjoyable to celebrate and sharing the love.=) Have fun!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December begins

I have accomplished ~54,000 words total during November, beating the time it took to write that 50k words by 4 hours-> so 7 p.m. instead of 11 p.m.Quite an accomplishment and definitely will go for more words next time and a two win streak. Grats for those who won NaNoWriMo and/or reached their goals. I have two throw-away novels and one to edit now- at least those throw-away novels is what I have a dead-end on. Check out for something to do if the novel is complete! There are fun exercises to help out, well a serious writer might take them seriously. *shrugs* Everyone has their own ways of doing things and that's how it should be. Have fun! I will try remembering to make a post around Christmas time, or December 25th. For now Finals is on my list of what to focus on.

12/3/11 Edit: incorrect link

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Late Thanksgiving!

And I actually finished my NaNo novel too. :o It stopped at 32k words and now I am doing a 2nd novel. I will make it to the 50k- just halfway to 100k. :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 15- update

So far I have written 25,000 words. And new toys- err gadgets have become available. I will post them and they should be regularly updated each time I update my word count. Competition is something I love.
Goal is 100k
Percentage I'm on.
I just like this widget. :)

Wish me luck and I hope you are having good luck on yours too. :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Have a spooky Halloween!

Slow Fade by Casting Crowns fits as powerful music for Halloween to listen too. It is spooky at the same time to the truth of the message.

I will give links to great Halloween posts here since I should focus on handing out candy to trick-o-treaters when the time comes and homework.

The Halloween story
Happy Halloween!
Truth about witches (my favorite)

For some NaNoWriMo has started. For me it won't be for another 7 hours. I can't wait to start! Check out Nathan's post and read all the responses.

No matter what timezone you're in: have fun!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

NaNo Kickoff

National Novel Writing Month is in 5 days! I have scanned in some of my sketches today and a birthday photo (August 10th) that is an OK photo. Good websites for using for my novel:,,, and (favorite magazine).

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tomorrow's Concert

I will be playing at the Civic center 7 p.m. tomorrow where anyon'es free to bring a jackolantern for the stage as well. The Contra-bassoon may look more like a wooden horn  but it produces a nice rich sound. It is twice larger than a normal bassoon and most likely 4-5 feet long. I think this will be one great concert to listen to. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October Events

On the 25th I have the Halloween concert at the Civic Center. Then the 31st is Halloween itself. My pumpkin in ceramics class looks pretty sweet. Now just needs glazed and fired. Hopefully the colors don't get muddy.Art Design and Dine is tomorrow of which I hope to attend. I am still prepping for National Novel Writing Month and determined to do it. Maybe, if I am spelling and grammar perfect, it might earn bonus points for my writing class- just a thought but no one is perfect at it.Will post later.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Harley's Third Question

Under my question/answer post which will need to post a new one since this one is getting buried here is the third topic from it. 3. What is your favorite color and what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see that color? My favorite color is blue. In general the first thing that comes into my mind is water. A place where I could swim in without worrying about breathing and see the vast variety of the things that lurk underneath that water. There are some creatures in the water that have this kind of looks that can be quite bazaar. Everything interesting that exists is underwater. :-)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Premise of Story

Okay this will be super short. I have a one sentence premise for my story to work off of. It is about the main characters.

The dragon novel: Dark Igneous is an infant dragon who chose Amber as her rider whose destiny is to restore life back on the planet but is confronted by Sheville Prentice who opposes the dragon’s pure heart and wants to do the biddings of his master unopposed.

The Vampire dragon novel (maybe 1-5k words at least): Doompire is a newly transformed Were Fruitpire Dragon whose goal is to have friends but is confronted by isolation deep inside and possess scavenging habits that could kill her only friends.

This is all for now.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

October coming up

October coming and September ending. I got a 20/25 on a test that the previous three was quite low. Argh at the kind of study I did there: it's the must not do before the test type of studying... I must better improve my study habits somehow but what worked wasn't studying every single day. NaNoWriMo will be a true challenge to not involve everything of my Journalistic Writing class. Then there is also blogging. Yes, blogging is another kind of class I'm taking too. Well no matter what I will strive to do what is right. So long and I promise I will post again soon!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

NaNoWiMo Overview 2011

Stealing a post idea from by making a list, to the best of my memory, of all my NaNo attempts and start doing yearly archive post of what progresses I have done.

NaNoWriMo 2008:

This one is my first year ever. There was not much planning involved. I did hit 50k with the help of writing 25k words on the very last day. When it came to the last second I failed to register the 50k words on time. Better to write everyday, not just on the last week. I have created a look-alike book which so far is still in first draft. Barely editable or readable.

NaNoWriMo 2009:

This one was about a fox pup that grew up in a marsh with the help of friends. This one was 50.1k words long. In the revision it was cut down to 25k words long. Better planning and timing this time around. There were some really great details I had in there.

NaNoWriMo 2010:

Had a very busy schedule and this novel had 137 words exact written. A toss-away. Nevertheless I did do SOME participating here.

NaNoWriMo 2011:

What most of my blog posts from now til December will be about. Vote here if you want more solid updates than what I had been doing in my previous years: no updates. Yes I am a lame writer but working on improving my skills in very artistic manners.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pre-NaNo post 1

NaNoWriMo is the most popular time of the year for writers around the world. It give the chance and insanity to write a novel in a month- or fun with the writers like I do. Pre-planning is essential in order to even put down one word... to have an idea and a general direction of what to write. These blogs can give great inspiration: Rachelle Gardener, Frankie, and WillowRaven. There are more too which some are listed on the side/or I follow.

General idea for this year's NaNo novel: The main character will be a sea creature that, despite its size, has great powers and potential. However it is on its own to figure out what it wants to do.

Good thing about this novel is I can literally draw out this character... okay a novel is writing not made up of a bunch of drawings so maybe images will be a good start.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


This is the day to remember all the innocent killed and the families who knew someone on the tower. I think a silence of moment to remember them all works since there really isn't any words to say about the brutality of it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Break

Summer started. New library in Cheyenne = huge + awsome. I will go out there more often in my spare time. This cheap Notebook from Walmart can actually replace my laptop! I would love not carry around 10 lbs or so during this fall semester in between class times. Goal is to get into band in the Spring and fix my Alto Sax in case he doesn't have a bassoon on hand. I am sure I will have a blast in the Fall though. In library I picked up "Eyes of the Dragon" written by Stephen King. I enjoy it especially since it's Fantasy, not Horror. I will need to spruce up my blog but then if I get into the right class I could really make it professional. I hope I can format my website into great looks and easy read. Still not quite figuring that out yet. After I learn what all I could do with a webcam I will post pictures taken of what I've done in class there. Time to spend time (of course useful) reading.

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Year

And a great new semester. I now have a scanner and can start scanning any and all drawings I have- unless I use it too much and it completely falls apart. LOL